There are predictable steps to emotional healing when one has gotten to the point where they experience their partner as essentially bad/dangerous/impossible. This is a highly common attitude for couples in long term trouble. There are two common patterns. The first is the experience of the pursuer… commonly there is a sense that their partner is emotionally absent, checked out, not tuned in, essentially abandoning. For the avoider… their partner is seen as having a short fuse, readily escalates, and prone to dangerous anger, even rage. In both situations it is common that one or both partners end up in polarized dichotomous black/white thinking. This polarized thinking is triggered by repeated moments of feeling emotionally endangered. In this situation there is very little empathy and high fight/flight reactivity. In some important way the partner is not actually seen as a whole person… what is seen is a stereotype. And at many moments, the stereotype is experienced as absolutely real. Emotion focused therapy includes a very useful understanding of how to intervene and heal the emotional dance of this pattern between two partners. What I wish to do here is to describe the steps of interior psychological change that occur within each individual as they undergo this relationship healing. (to be cont)
About Orin Borders, Ph.D.
Orin Borders, Ph.D, a psychologist in private practice with a long standing interest in the Marriage-Of-Opposites, is the originator on this site.