Not uncommonly, my work has taken me into contact with extreme marriage-of-opposites contrasts. One such contrast is when a highly cultured intellectual person is paired with someone who primarily operates from their gut. Often, what I call here, “the over-regulated civilized”, is attracted to the aliveness and emotional heat ushering from their partner who functions from raw impulses or emotions. The, what I call here, “under-regulated primitive” is often attracted to the apparent cultural success/value evident in their refined, often highly educated partner. One person feels like they win because they are emotionally warmed up, the other because they have affiliated with someone who carries high currency in the larger society.
About Orin Borders, Ph.D.
Orin Borders, Ph.D, a psychologist in private practice with a long standing interest in the Marriage-Of-Opposites, is the originator on this site.