There are certain benefits that I observe to men who participate in the eft group that I conduct in my practice. First, there is a powerful interruption of isolation which is replaced by emotional sharing and support with other men… all who are all trying to hold onto their primary attachment worlds. Second, repeatedly witnessing the different men “unpacking” the negative cycle process in each of their marriages deeply instills within each man the eft understanding of how marriages go astray; that there is a “rhyme and reason” to marriages in trouble, and it is not shameful proof of moral failing or “bad marriage.” Third, they get to witness many of the victorious moments when the eft work improves and restores marriages, thus growing within each of the men healthy optimism about the eft therapeutic process. Forth, the different men bring different assets and levels of maturity to working on their marriages. It does not escape the men’s notice when one of the members displays a greater capacity for loving their wives, empathic understanding of someone different, greater commitment in the face of struggle, or, in general, functioning from greater maturity in their marriage/family relationship. Over time, these “higher angel” capacities of some of the men… come to influence all the men! The men come to emulate and internalize the best qualities in each other!
About Orin Borders, Ph.D.
Orin Borders, Ph.D, a psychologist in private practice with a long standing interest in the Marriage-Of-Opposites, is the originator on this site.